Information collection tools


Child development and wellbeing matrix

The Child development and wellbeing matrix can be used to create a common understanding of what makes children happy and unhappy in the target area. It also creates an understanding of who should address the identified issues.

Child development and wellbeing matrix

Target area mapping

With this tool, the community develops a map of the target area to get an understanding of where the different stakeholders are working, what issues they are addressing, with whom are they working etc.

Target area mapping

Historical timeline

Drawing a historical timeline helps to determine how the community arrived at where they are today. This tool helps to create an overview of the past.

Historical timeline

Venn diagram I

Who are of influence on the wellbeing of children and the development of the community as a whole? The Venn diagram I tool helps you to identify these individuals/groups and possible interrelations.

Venn diagram I

Vulnerability ranking

The Vulnerability ranking tool helps the community to get an overview of the different groups in the community and to identify the most vulnerable or marginalized groups.

Vulnerability ranking

Seasonal calendar

Seasonal calendar

Data Verification Tool

A tool to verify collected vulnerabilities and capacities and prioritize hazard impacts in the community.

Data Verification Tool

24-hour schedule

The 24-hour schedule tool helps to understand what the daily life of different groups (women, men, boys and girls) look like and how gender roles affect the division of roles in households and the community as a whole.

24-hour schedule

Resource bag

The Resource Bag tool helps communities to map uit the (natural) resources that are available.

Resource bag

Ten seeds

Ten seeds

Community mapping part 1

The Community Mapping Tool (part 1) is a tool for data collection, in a reflective and visual way, to undertake situational analysis regarding a certain community.

Community mapping part 1

Community mapping Part 2: risky & safe places

This Community Mapping Tool (part 2) helps to create an understanding of the risky and safe places within a community.

Community mapping Part 2: risky & safe places

Pressure and Release Model Tool

The Pressure and Release Model helps analyse underlying risk factors, factors contributing to the progression of vulnerability and hazards faced within a community.

Pressure and Release Model Tool

Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment tool

The Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment helps to identify challenges (vulnerabilities) and strengths (capacities) present in the community along five mayor areas of life. This tool can be used to identify the impact of a disaster and why this impact happened.

Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment tool